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How Investments in Space Technology Help You

How Investments in Space Technology Help You
Image Courtesy: Pexels

Investments in technology are generally backed by the public due to the expected perks and how they’ll simplify human lives. But space technology garners a different reaction. Many question the necessity of investing in exploration beyond our glowing green and blue earth.

What some might be unaware of is the profound and wildly overlooked impact it has had on our daily lives.

With its primary goal of uncovering the secrets of the universe, discover the positive externalities space technology has delivered.

There are many benefits that have arisen directly from investments in space technology.

Improving Global Communication and Connectivity

Clearly the most direct influence of space technology, enabling seamless global communication. Satellites have delivered the most impact. They are the reason we can watch television or access the internet.

Additionally, satellites enable GPS which has transformed the field of navigation. Every service that requires a location such as driving, or any application is powered by investments in space technology.

Transforming Healthcare

Exploration of the universe primarily happens through a telescope, undoubtedly the most significant tool in astronomy.

The images received from these devices were analyzed using high-resolution imaging techniques. Certain developments in MRI and CT machines use an adapted version of these techniques.

Providing rural areas with adequate healthcare has always been a challenge. The creation of telemedicine (because of satellites) helps connect a health professional to the remotest patients.

Predicting Weather Patterns

Satellites also help monitor conditions of the atmosphere to accurately forecast weather patterns. Beyond the normal sunny weather, it helps in identifying incoming storms for quicker disaster response and management.

Space Technology for Consumers

Space can get cold and maintaining optimum heat levels becomes important. The material developed for insulation for space flights is used daily by consumers. This can be in athletic gear that manages sweat or insulating a house.

Laptops play an important role in the present day for business and personal use. The Shuttle Onboard Portable Computer (SPOC) was the original laptop designed to assist astronauts. However, software and hardware modifications helped make changes to modern laptops.

Memory foam is another example. Originally, it was created by NASA to provide astronauts with better support while seated. This innovative cushioning technology has been used to make couches, chairs, beds, and even helmets more comfortable.

Closing Thoughts

In a nutshell, the impact of space technology on the lives of regular humans has been huge. We can all thank investments in exploring space as the reason for having enhanced communication technology, comfier beds, and more.

About the author

Abhishek Pattanaik

Abhishek, as a writer, provides a fresh perspective on an array of topics. He brings his expertise in Economics coupled with a heavy research base to the writing world. He enjoys writing on topics related to sports and finance but ventures into other domains regularly. Frequently spotted at various restaurants, he is an avid consumer of new cuisines.